Lakk f.afturljós rautt 400ml

Frá Maston - Vörunúmer: CR01096

3.295 kr

Lakk f.afturljós rautt 400ml

Car-Rep® Backlight gagnsæ sprey henta til notkunar á fjölmörgum gagnsæjum hlutum sem þú vilt gefa lit en halda hlutnum gegnsæjum. Sérstaklega þróað fyrir plastfleti, en bætir viðloðun málningar og glærhúða á alla fleti. Vegna sterkrar viðloðun er hægt að nota jafnvel á harða plasti. Dæmi um notkun: gegnsætt húðað plast, gler, lampar, perur, málmar osfrv.

Prófaðu samhæfi áður en málað er. Þurrkunartími: Rykþurrkur: eftir u.þ.b. 30 mín., klístlaust: eftir u.þ.b. 2 klst., þurrt viðkomu: eftir u.þ.b. 4 klst.


Car-Rep® Backlight transparent sprays are suitable for applications of numerous transparent objects, which you want to give color and keep the object transparent. If the object has a structured surface, the structure will remain visible underneath the painted surface. Especially developed for plastic surfaces, but improves adhesion of paint and clear coats on all surfaces. Due to strong adhesion can be applied even on hard-plastics. Examples of use: transparent coated plastics, glass, lamps, bulbs, metals etc. Attention: In many countries painting of back lights or any other lights of street vehicles is prohibited. Please consult local regulations or authorities in prior to paint any lights or bulbs of street vehicles. Car-Rep® does not take any responsibility of misuse of the product. Test compatibility in prior to painting. Drying time: Dust-dry: after approx. 30 min., tack-free: after approx. 2 hours, dry to touch: after approx. 4 hours.

Klettháls 5 (lager)
Bíldshöfði 10
Hafnarfjörður Nei
Stilling hf.