Bætiefni fyrir mótorhjól MoS2 Shooter

- Vörunúmer: LM3444

907 kr

Verð áður 1.295 kr

For all 2-stroke engines with separate and mixture lubrication and for all 4-stroke engines also with wet multi-disc clutch. Also suitable for use in transmissions and final drives. Dosage: 20 ml (1 tube) is sufficient for 1 l of motor oil. 2-stroke engines: 10 ml per 10 l of fuel mixture or 20 ml for 1 l of 2-stroke oil. Tested on engines with catalytic converters.


Klettháls 5 (lager)
Bíldshöfði 10
Hafnarfjörður Nei
Selfoss Nei
Stilling hf.